Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions asked about MyCoachSite.
Browse commonly asked questions about MyCoachSite.
Is a subscription to MyCoachSite a long-term commitment?
No. MyCoachSite is a month to month subscription and can be cancelled at any time.
Do I need to be a tech wizard to update my website?
With only a small learning curve, MyCoachSite has a user-friendly interface allowing you to make changes to your site by clicking and dragging. We also have a growing library of tutorial videos to walk you through step by step.
Do you offer support?
Yes. We have a growing support website, as well as several tutorial videos that walk you through everything from adding pages to completely cutomizing your site. You can also reach us any time by email.
Can I use my own domain with MyCoachSite?
Absolutely. With your own domain and SSL certificate, you can integrate the url within minutes. There are step by step intructions how do to this on our support site.
What if I'm already a MyCoachPortal Subscriber?
Since MyCoachPortal is bundled into MyCoachSite, you can cancel your MyCoachPortal subscription. However, you will need to re-invite your clients to your new system.
How do I get started?
To get started, just head over to the sign up page and subscribe. You’ll need a credit card number, a name that you want to call your website, and a few other details. Your account will be set up quickly and you’ll receive an email with login information.
Give it a Try for Only $39 a Month
Includes MyCoachPortal bundled-in for FREE!